Free Streaming Kaze Tachinu in High Quality
Now you can see Kaze Tachinu in High Quality Video with duration 126 Min and was released on 2013-07-20 with MPAA rating is 121.- Original Title : Kaze Tachinu
- Movie title in your country : Kaze Tachinu
- Year of movie : 2013
- Genres of movie : Animation, Drama, History,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2013-07-20
- Companies of movie : Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, Toho Company, Studio Ghibli, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, KDDI Corporation, Nippon Television Network (NTV), Mitsubishi Motors Corporation,
- Countries of movie : Japan,
- Language of movie : Français, Deutsch, Italiano, 日本語,
- Durationof movie : 126 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.5
- Youtube ID of movie : PhHoCnRg1Yw
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,ZH,FR,PL,RU,PT,IT,ES,FI,TR,NL,KO,SV,HU,JA,HE,DA,
- Cast of movie :
Name Character Hideaki Anno : Jiro Horikoshi (voice) Jun Kunimura : Hattori (voice) Mirai Shida : Kayo Horikoshi (voice) Miori Takimoto : Naoko Satomi (voice) Hidetoshi Nishijima : Honjo (voice)
Movie plot of Kaze Tachinu :
Free Kaze Tachinu in High Quality Video with movie summary "The Wind Rises is the 11th animated theatrical film directed by Hayao Miyazaki at Studio Ghibli. Based on Miyazaki’s own manga and the 1937 short novel of the same name by Tatsuo Hori, this is the story of Jirō Horikoshi, the aircraft engineer most remembered for his design work on the Mitsubishi A6M Reisen “Zero”, Japan’s famous World War II fighter aircraft. During the WWII years, the Miyazaki family business manufactured aircraft parts, including the windshields and rudders used on the Zero." in best look. Full Kaze Tachinu in HD Quality by push of the button above.
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Novel : Tatsuo Hori, Screenplay : Hayao Miyazaki, Story : Hayao Miyazaki, Director : Hayao Miyazaki, Music : Joe Hisaishi, Producer : Toshio Suzuki, Producer : Naoya Fujimaki, Producer : Ryoichi Fukuyama, Producer : Seiji Okuda, Executive Producer : Koji Hoshino,
Yes, now you can view movie associated with Kaze Tachinu in full length and get the url to this film Kaze Tachinu in high definition format.
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