Play Full Сталинград in HD Video
Now you can enjoy Сталинград in top quality with duration 131 Min and has been aired on 2013-10-09 and MPAA rating is 23.- Original Title : Сталинград
- Movie title in your country : Сталинград
- Year of movie : 2013
- Genres of movie : Action, War,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2013-10-09
- Companies of movie : Art Pictures Studio,
- Countries of movie : Russia,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, Pусский,
- Durationof movie : 131 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.3
- Youtube ID of movie : l5q8yiXK69I
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,ZH,IT,TR,PL,HU,NL,FR,PT,DE,EL,SV,CS,ES,BG,DA,HE,
- Cast of movie :
Name Character Thomas Kretschmann : Kapitan Kan (as Tomas Krechmann) Yanina Studilina : Masha Philippe Reinhardt : Gottfried Heiner Lauterbach : Khenze Maria Smolnikova : Katya Andrey Smolyakov : Polyakov Polina Raykina : Natashka Oleg Volku : Krasnov Pyotr Fyodorov : Kapitan Gromov Sergey Bondarchuk : Sergey Astakhov Dmitriy Lysenkov : Chvanov Aleksei Barabash : Nikiforov Anna von Haebler : Nina Yuriy Nazarov : V roli navodchika Mariya Sittel : Perevod rechi premer-ministra Yaponii chitaet (voice) Petar Zekavica : Yurgens Dmitriy Kochkin : Mitya Georges Devdariani : Kloze Christoph Gawenda : Otto Oksana Bazilevich : Tomka Svetlana Svirko : Raya Nataliya Kadochnikova : Zoyka Valentin Kuznetsov : Klyuev Roman Likhodeev : Matros Aleksandr Suvorov : Matros Ivan Debov : Matros Mikhail Bogdanov : Matros Evgeniy Levitskiy : Chasovoy Oleg Tilkin : Belobrysyy saper Maksim Yakovlev : Malchishka zaryazhayushchiy Kirill Varaksa : Sukhoy Nodari Dzhanelidze : Ryaboy matros Yan Kuzmin : Radist Aleksandr Pangaev : Saper Aleksandr Ivanov : Saper Yuriy Utkin : Efreytor Aleksandr Petrov : Efreytor Sergey Trebesov : Smuglyy Nikolay Pavlov : Opolchenets Sergey Petrov : Opolchenets Evgeniy Tsurko : Opolchenets Vladimir Shagin : Opolchenets
Movie plot of Сталинград :
Play full Сталинград in HD Video with movie synopsis "Drama set in 1942, during one of the most important battles of World War II, which stopped the progress of Nazi forces and turned the tide of war in favor of the Allies. The Soviet army mounts a counter-attack on the Nazi forces that occupy half of Stalingrad on the other side of the Volga, but the operation to cross the river is unsuccessful. A few soldiers who managed to get to the other side take refuge in a house on the bank of Volga. Here they find a girl who didn’t escape when the Germans came. While the whole might of the German army descends onto them, the heroes of Stalingrad experience love, loss, joy and the sense of ultimate freedom that can only be felt by those about to die. They defend the house at all costs while the Red Army prepares for another attack." in High Quality Video. Full Length of Сталинград in High Quality Video by clicking the download link.
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Director : Fyodor Bondarchuk, Screenplay : Sergey Snezhkin, Screenplay : Ilya Tilkin, Producer : Alexander Rodnyansky,
Sure, now you can view movie associated with Сталинград 100 % length and obtain the hyperlink to this movie Сталинград in high definition format.
Tags: stalingrad,
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